If you feel out of your comfort zone when trying to solve a potential problem and doubt your problem-solving ability, there are plenty of ways to develop your skillset. Here are some tips for improving your problem-solving approach:
1. Focus on the solution. It’s easy to become hyperfocused on the conditions that created the problem. Shifting your focus away from the current problem to possible outcomes and solutions can give you a more positive outlook and open your eyes to new solutions.
2. Clearly define the problem. It’s hard to solve a nebulous problem you never took the time to clearly define. No workplace is perfect, and there are usually a variety of interrelated problems that can be solved at any one time. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed and distracted during the problem-solving process, go back to step one and make sure you are approaching a singular problem.
3. Agree on a process. If you’re problem-solving as part of a team, it’s very important that you agree to basic ground rules and procedures before you start the problem-solving process. This will streamline the process and help you prevent conflict down the road.
4. Be sure to use active listening. The best problem solvers are great listeners. Problem-solving requires you to take in a variety of inputs and opinions and carefully analyze them. It’s important that people involved in the process feel heard.
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